Pet Simulator Wiki

Woodcutting is a minigame in Pet Simulator 99, located in Area #233 (Nebula Forest) in Olympus World. In this minigame, the player can chop down trees to obtain items and PS99 Woodcutting Tokens Woodcutting Coins, which can be used to purchase better axes with a faster rate of chopping down trees.


Axes are tools used to chop down trees in the minigame. The player begins out with the PS99 Wooden Axe Wooden Axe but can upgrade their axe by purchasing them in the PS99 Merchant Axe Merchant with Woodcutting Coins PS99 Woodcutting Tokens. The higher the axe tier, the faster the rate of chopping down trees. Axes cannot be traded with other players.

Name of Axe Description Image of Axe Buffs Price of Axe
Wooden Axe Barely works, but gets the job done. PS99 Wooden Axe ??? Free
Sturdy Axe Better than the wooden, but still just a regular axe. PS99 Sturdy Axe PS99 Woodcutting Tokens200
Advanced Axe Advanced chopping use only! PS99 Advanced Axe PS99 Woodcutting Tokens3k
Stone Axe Chop! Chop! PS99 Stone Axe PS99 Woodcutting Tokens30k
Iron Axe Chop trees super fast! PS99 Iron Axe PS99 Woodcutting Tokens225k

Woodcutting Preston[]

PS99 Woodcutting Minigame - Woodcutting Preston

Woodcutting Preston is an NPC machine located near the PS99 Merchant Axe Merchant. The machine allows the player to give three quests to the player which require chopping down a set number of tree types. When the player finishes all the three quests, the player receives a PS99 Wooden Gift Wooden Gift. The gift has a chance of obtaining a PS99 Huge Trojan Horse Huge Trojan Horse.
