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Pet Simulator Wiki

The Void Chest is a feature in Pet Simulator 99. This chest can be found on the right side of the Void Spinny Wheel, which is located at Void Spawn. It can be opened using a PS99 Void Key Void Key. Opening the Void Chest will reward the player with 6 random items. The probabilities of obtaining each reward upon opening said chest can be found below.

Image Name Probability
PS99 Huge Void Alien Void AlienVoid Alien ??
PS99-Diamonds-Potion-III Diamonds Potion IIIDiamonds Potion III 3.65%
PS99 Gift Bag GiftBagGiftBag 1.6%
Happy Pet Enchant Happy Pet EnchantHappy Pet Enchant 0.59%
Tap Power Enchant 4 Tap Power Enchant IVTap Power Enchant IV 9.9%
PS99-Damage-Potion-IV Damage Potion IVDamage Potion IV 8.75%
PS99-Luck-Potion-IV Lucky Potion IVLucky Potion IV 8.75%
PS99-Coins-Potion-IV Coins Potion IVCoins Potion IV 8.75%
Strong Pets Enchant 4 Strong Pets IVStrong Pets IV 7.6%
Coins Enchant 4 Coints IVCoints IV 7.6%
Treasure Enchant 4 Treasure Hunter IVTreasure Hunter IV 7.6%
Diamonds Enchant 4 Diamonds IVDiamonds IV 7.6%
TNT Crate TNT CrateTNT Crate 1.6%
Nametag Name TagName Tag 1.4%
PS99-Diamonds-Potion-IV Diamonds IVDiamonds IV 1.2%
PS99 Pinata PinataPinata 0.385%
Agility Charm Agility CharmAgility Charm ??
Bonus Charm Bonus CharmBonus Charm ??
Blast Enchant Tap BlastTap Blast ??
Tap Power Enchant 5 Tap Power VTap Power V 3.3%
Treasure Enchant 5 Treasure Hunter VTreasure Hunter V 2.55%
Coins Enchant 5 Coins VCoins V 2.55%
Strong Pets Enchant 5 Strong Pets VStrong Pets V 2.55%

