Pet Simulator Wiki


Coins and Chests are the two sources of income in the game. They are scattered on the ground and collectible by pets. They are renewable as the new coins and chests keep falling from the sky.

The coins come in different colors for different biomes and have 3 different sizes for each biome. The chests also comes in 3 different sizes. There are two types currencies in the game, the regular coins and moon coins.

The value of the coin is determined by its base value and the Coin Collection of the pet. Calculable as

Income = Pet Coin Collection x Coin Base Value

The coin base value is given by the income of a pet with Coin Collection of 1.

Besides base values, coins also have a fixed health, which together with Agility determines the time it takes to picking up.

The quality factor of a coin or chest is given by the ratio of its base value and health. It characterizes the easiness of getting money from that coin. For example, the candy biome currently has the highest quality factor on the moon.

List of currencies

The followings are a list of currencies in the game. The values are based on tests and extrapolations.

Coin Stat

Grass Biome

Currency Base Value Health
Tiny Coin 1 10
Coin 4 35
Stack Of Coins 15 150
Small Chest 75 500
Regular Chest 400 2,000
Omega Chest 15,000 35,000

Shadow Biome

Currency Base Value Health
Tiny Coin 4 200
Coin 16 700
Stack Of Coins 60 3,000
Small Chest 300 10,000
Regular Chest 1,600 40,000
Omega Chest

Snowy Mountain Biome

Currency Base Value Health
Tiny Coin 13 750
Coin 52 2,625
Stack Of Coins 195 11,250
Small Chest 975 37,500
Regular Chest 5,200 150,000
Omega Chest

Volcano Biome

Currency Base Value Health
Tiny Coin 30 2,250
Coin 120 7,875
Stack Of Coins 450 33,750
Small Chest 2,250 112,500
Regular Chest 12,000 450,000
Omega Chest

Mystic Biome

Currency Base Value Health
Tiny Coin 100 9000
Coin 400 31,500
Stack Of Coins 1,500 135,000
Small Chest 7,500 450,000
Regular Chest 40,000 1,800,000
Omega Chest

Crystal Biome

Currency Base Value Health
Tiny Coin 200 18,000
Coin 800 63,000
Stack Of Coins 3,000 270,000
Small Chest 15,000 900,000
Regular Chest 80,000 3,600,000
Mega Chest 133,334 7,500,000

Moon Biome

Currency Base Value Health Quality (x10^-6)
Tiny Coin 0.025 32,000 0.78
Coin 0.1 112,000 0.89
Stack Of Coins 0.375 480,000 0.78
Small Chest 1.875 1,600,000 1.17
Regular Chest 5 6,400,000 0.78
Omega Chest

Trivia: If you use a level 1 Cat or Dog to collect a tiny moon coin, it will take 3 hours to finish and you get nothing due to rounding.

Purple Moon Biome

Currency Base Value Health Quality (x10^-6)
Small Chest 7.5 3,500,000 2.14
Regular Chest 20 14,000,000 1.42
Omega Chest 65 35,000,000 1.86

Candy Biome

Currency Base Value Health Quality (x10^-6)
Tiny Coin 0.325 145,000 2.24
Coin 1.3 507,500 2.56
Stack Of Coins 4.875 2,175,000 2.24
Small Chest 6,045,678 7,250,000 3.36
Regular Chest 65 29,000,000 2.24
Omega Chest

Tech Valley Biome

Currency Base Value Health Quality (x10^-6)
Tiny Coin 2.1047 225,000 1.06
Coin 1.9 787,500 2.05
Stack of Coins 7.144 3,375,000 2.36
Small Chest 35.72 11,250,000 3.14
Chest ??? 44,000,000 ???
Omega Chest ??? ??? ???