The Items Merchant is a merchant that can be found in Area 19 (Oasis). It was added upon release. Players can purchase a variety of common and lower-tiered items in exchange for Diamonds. The offers and mechanics are quite similar to those of the Advanced Merchant, however, the Items Merchant sells more common items for cheaper prices and restocks every 30 minutes (approximately 2 minutes before XX:30 and XX:00).
Respect is the leveling system that the majority of merchants in the game utilize. Players earn Respect XP with each purchase, which allows them to unlock additional item slots and increases the likelihood of the merchant offering rarer or higher-tiered items.
Players start with access to the first two item slots by default. The remaining four slots are unlocked as their Respect Level increases. The amount of Respect XP gained depends on which slot the player purchases from, with the ones that unlock later giving more XP.
Items for sale[]
This merchant offers different items for each slot unlocked at a certain respect level.