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Clans are a feature in Pet Simulator 99. Clans offer advantages when several players work together. A Icon ticket clan clan ticket is required to create a clan, which can be purchased in the Shop Icon Exclusive Shop for 300 Robux Gold or in the Index Merchant. Alternatively, the ticket can be purchased in the Trading Plaza.


Players can donate PS99 DiamondOutline Diamonds to their clan, which in turn, leads to a higher rank on the clan leaderboard and the option to upgrade the clan to higher levels. The player can only donate 10,000 PS99 DiamondOutline minimum (up to 1,000,000,000 PS99 DiamondOutline per donation).

The donated Diamonds can be used to upgrade the clan (see Clan Upgrading for prices) and add Member and Officer slots.


There are three sorts of roles available in each clan; one Leader, up to 8 Officers (starts out with one Officer slot), and up to 75 Members (starts out with 5 Member slots).

The Leader and Officer have access to inviting and kicking players to and from the clan, and entering a Clan Status (by pressing the Shout button). The Officer cannot kick the Leader.

Exclusive abilities of the Leader involve being able to change and appoint Officers, disband the clan (basically delete it), change the clan icon and description, upgrade the clan and add Member and Officer slots. If the owner chooses to leave the clan, they can request a transfer to an Officer, but the transfer takes 7 days and can be cancelled at any time.

Members can donate Diamonds PS99 DiamondOutline to their clan.


The Members of their clan are ranked top to bottom on the clan player board, by how much Diamonds they donated to their clan. The Officer role is not given to another player based on how many Diamonds the current Officer has donated; for example, the Officer will remain the Officer even if they haven't donated anything.

Clan Upgrading[]

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Cost Clan Ticket Icon ticket clan 1,000,000 PS99 - Diamond 9,000,000 PS99 - Diamond 33,000,000 PS99 - Diamond 105,000,000 PS99 - Diamond 321,000,000 PS99 - Diamond 5,000,000,000 PS99 - Diamond 75,000,000,000 PS99 - Diamond
Member Benefits +20% Walkspeed +3% Pet Walkspeed +12% Damage +10% Drop Rate Extra Diamonds: Breakables have a chance to reward double diamonds!

Note: This upgrade grants a 10% chance of a breakable granting double diamonds (source).
+10% Mastery XP +4% Pet Walkspeed, 12% Drop Rate, 12% Extra Diamonds +5% Pet Walkspeed, 15% Drop Rate, 15% Extra Diamonds

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Cost Clan Ticket Icon ticket clan 100,000 PS99 - Diamond 117,500 PS99 - Diamond 130,000 PS99 - Diamond 150,000 PS99 - Diamond TBA TBA 152,000 PS99 - Diamond
Member Slots 5 slots +1 slot +1 slot +1 slot +1 slot +1 slot +1 slot +1 slot

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Cost Clan Ticket Icon ticket clan 200,000 PS99 - Diamond TBA
Officer Slots 1 2 TBA
