Pet Simulator Wiki

Chest Rush is a minigame in Pet Simulator 99 located in Area 45 (Lava Forest).


The gameplay aspect of this minigame involves you breaking chests, each being stronger than the last (in the quadrillions). To compensate for this level of power, your pets are given much more strength to be able to deal more damage to the chests. This is what allows you to complete said minigame.

There are 6 zones in the minigame. The first five all contain chests while the last has various breakables. At Zone 6, your pet strength will be decreased from what you had when breaking chests. This makes breaking things there significantly more difficult.

In Zone 6, you can attack certain breakables in exchange for rewards, including a chance at getting either the Huge Fire Horse pet or it's Golden/Rainbow variants.


The cooldown timer for the minigame is 2 hours.

The minigame itself lasts for 5 minutes.


Icon Name Rarity Chance
PS99 Huge Fire Horse
PS99 4Stars
Huge Fire Horse
(Regular, Golden & Rainbow)
Diamonds Potion I BasicBasic 0.435%
PS99 Present 1
PS99 1Star
Small Christmas Present

( Currently Unobtainable)

RareRare 1.65%
Tap Power Enchant 2
PS99 1Star
Tap Power II RareRare 1.15%
Strong Pets Enchant 2
PS99 1Star
Strong Pets II RareRare 0.88%
Coins Enchant 2
PS99 1Star
Coins II RareRare 0.88%
Treasure Enchant 2
PS99 1Star
Treasure Hunter II RareRare 0.88%
PS99 1Star
Lucky Eggs Potion II RareRare 0.82%
PS99 1Star
Damage Potion II RareRare 0.82%
PS99 1Star
Coins Potion II RareRare 0.82%
Diamonds Enchant 2
PS99 1Star
Diamonds II RareRare 0.44%
Icon flag red
PS99 1Star
Magnet Flag RareRare 0.175%
Icon flag yellow
PS99 1Star
Coins Flag RareRare 0.175%
Basic Coin Jar
PS99 1Star
Basic Coin Jar RareRare 0.175%
PS99 1Star
Diamonds Potion II RareRare
Toy Bone
PS99 1Star
Toy Bone RareRare
Toy Ball
PS99 1Star

Toy Ball RareRare
PS99 Present 2
PS99 2Stars
Medium Christmas Present ( Currently Unobtainable) EpicEpic 0.25%
Icon flag orange
PS99 2Stars
Hasty Flag EpicEpic 0.175%
Icon flag blue
PS99 2Stars
Diamonds Flag EpicEpic 0.175%
PS99 2Stars
Damage Potion III EpicEpic 0.165%
PS99 2Stars
Lucky Eggs Potion III EpicEpic 0.165%
PS99 2Stars
Coins Potion III EpicEpic 0.165%
Tap Power Enchant 3
PS99 2Stars
Tap Power III EpicEpic 0.13%
Coins Enchant 3
PS99 2Stars
Coins III EpicEpic 0.1%
Treasure Enchant 3
PS99 2Stars
Treasure Hunter III EpicEpic 0.1%
Strong Pets Enchant 3
PS99 2Stars
Strong Pets III EpicEpic 0.1%
Diamonds Enchant 3
PS99 2Stars
Diamonds III EpicEpic
Icon toy squeaky
PS99 2Stars
Squeaky Toy EpicEpic
Magic Coin Jar
PS99 2Stars
Magic Coin Jar EpicEpic
Giant Coin Jar
PS99 3Stars
Giant Coin Jar LegendaryLegendary
PS99 Present 3
PS99 3Stars
Large Christmas Present ( Currently Unobtainable) LegendaryLegendary
Icon flag purple
PS99 3Stars
Fortune Flag LegendaryLegendary
PS99 3Stars
Nametag LegendaryLegendary
PS99 Present 4
PS99 Stars Mythical
X-Large Christmas Present ( Currently Unobtainable) MythicalMythical
PS99 Charm Stone
PS99 Stars Exotic
Charm Stone ExoticExotic


The main strategy to get through most of the chests is to have many strong pets available. The more combined strength, the further you will advance in the minigame. Golden pets or Rainbow pets boast significantly more power than normal pets, so having those will increase your damage. As well as that, having many pet slots allows you to further increase your damage by being able to equip more pets.
