Pet Simulator Wiki

The Ame Damnee is a Tier 15 pet in Pet Simulator 1. It can be obtained from the Tier 15 Egg.


  • The rainbow variant of this pet does not change color. This also goes for ZER0's rainbow variant too, as they are a solid neon black.
Pets included in the Tier 15 Egg
Pet Icon Pet Name Rarity
CandyCorn Candy Corn Basic
Candycane Candy Cane Basic
RedLollipop Red Lollipop Good
Green Lollipop-0 Green Lollipop Rare
Greengummybear Green Gummy Bear Rare
Yellow Gummy Bear Yellow Gummy Bear Rare
Cookie Cookie Rare
CandyCornDark Dark Candy Corn Rare
Rainbow Rainbow Rare
Ame Damnee Ame Damnee ??
Domortuus Domortuus ??